Wednesday, 26 February 2014

A few cheap, fast and yummy dinners!

Meals that are quick, easy, cheap and yum are hard to come by! I have a few of my favorite recipes that I love to cook at home. What I love about these are that each of the recipes are flexible. You can add whatever you like, take out things you may not like or swap something for something else! It's all about experimenting and using what you already have available. Use your imagination 

Healthy Nacho's

My family absolutely love having nacho's - little do they know this recipe is packed full of all sorts of vegetables and also tastes great! You can switch it up with whatever you have, and if you don't have something on the recipe - swap it for something else! Enjoy x 

500g Mince
1 onion, diced
Small handful of tomato
Any Vegetables
1 rye wrap
Avocado for serving
Greek yogurt - preferable

1. Cover non-stick fry pan with a little olive oil
2. Cook onion until soft or how desired
3. Put in mushrooms and let cook with the onion for about 30 seconds
4. Add capsicum
5. Add mince and cook until brown
6. While meat is cooking, chop up rye wrap into triangles & bake until crispy
7. Add tomato if using and let it cook for about 30 seconds
8. Place onto plate with rye wrap triangles and serve with avocado and
 Greek yogurt

Thai Yellow Curry

So this is my cheap and cheat meal! Everyone absolutely loves it and I seriously cannot get enough of it. It's perfect for the family or when you have guests and it is SO easy to make. I'm pretty sure the directions are on the back of the bag so if my recipe is wrong, follow that! haha

x1 packet of Global Thai Yellow Curry Stir Through Sauce (found at any NZ supermarket)
500g chicken

1 bag of Uncle Ben's boil a bag rice
Any vegetables

1. Cook rice as directed 
2. Heat oil in a pan and cook chicken until tender
3. Add capsicum, brocoli and any other vegetables you would like
4. Stir through sauce and simmer
5. Serve with rice

Roasted Pumpkin Soup

Im a huge fan of soup, any soup at that, but this recipe is to die for! Plus it's perfect for freezing and reheating if you have leftovers or perfect to feed the fam!

½ butternut pumpkin, chopped and skinned
½ red capsicum
½ white onion
2 pieces of bacon, no rind, chopped thoroughly
1 cup chicken stock
1 carrot, chopped
1 tsp. olive oil

1. Chop vegetables and place on baking tray
2. Toss with garlic and olive oil
3. Bake on 180° until cooked
4. Add to blender with chicken stock and blend
5. Add 1 tsp. Greek yogurt for a bit more flavor

Maggi Beef Stroganoff

This is easy, cheap and yum! I like to boil fettuccine and stir through the sauce once it has simmered. Personal choice though :)

500g blade steak
1 onion, sliced
1 1/2 cups mushroom
2 tbs sour cream
1 pkt of MAGGIE beef stroganoff

1. Heat 1 tbsp oil in frying pan, brown beef, add onions and mushrooms cook for 2 minutes.
2. Add combines 1 cup (250mL) water and Maggie Recipe Base, bring to boil, stirring
3. Cover and simmer 20 minutes or until steak is tender, stir through sour cream to serve.

So there you have it! Hope you enjoy the meals! Keep an eye out for more recipes coming your way!

Shannon xx

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